How Did You Know?

A pastor recently called us from Florida. He said he had given Seeds That Bless cards to a group of prayer warriors at his church meeting the previous week, asking them to look for opportunities to plant words of encouragement into the lives of people they may not know in their community.

Several days later, one of the gentlemen on that prayer team, was in a place of business with a friend. Just as they were leaving, the prayer warrior handed a Seeds That Bless card to the lady at the front counter who hand been helping his friend. They turned and left the business and were walking down the sidewalk when they heard someone behind them shouting, “Sir, Sir”. They turn around and the lady from the front counter came running up to them. “How did you know?”, she said, holding the Seeds That bless card in her hand.  “How did you know, these are just the words that I needed today? Thank you so much for giving me this card. I was so discouraged and worried, when I came to work this morning and the words on this card reminded me that God is in control of every situation, and I can lean on Him.”

 It takes just a moment to offer words of hope and encouragement. We never know what someone is going through, but God does!

 Plant Hope. Change the World.